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Vote for Bridgewater Retirement Community in the Senior Living Awards

Please vote for Bridgewater Retirement Community in the OurHealth Charlottesville & Shenandoah Valley’s 3rd Annual Senior Living Awards! Vote here: Polls are open for 60 days, through March 31st. Award winners will be announced in the July/August issue of OurHealth Charlottesville & Shenandoah Valley magazine, online and via social media. Vote here:


Virginia Ranked #1 State for Retirement

Virginia, one of just 12 states with no grade lower than a C, was a standout in the community quality of life and financial categories, displayed by a high median income relative to the national average, a low cost of living, healthy private sector retirement assets, and a below-average tax burden. “The retirement environment seeks […]


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.