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Non-Discrimination Policy

Bridgewater Retirement Community adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local civil rights laws and does not discriminate in its admissions or employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, familial status, military status, or disability. Nor does BRC exclude people or treat them differently because of any of these characteristics. 

1095-C Form Distribution Update

Due to recent changes in regulatory requirements, we will not be mailing Form 1095-C this year. However, if you require a paper copy, you may request one by contacting Angie Pyles, HR Manager – Payroll & Benefits at 540.828.2654 or

Form 1095-C provides information about your health coverage and may be helpful when filing your taxes, though it is not required to file your return. If you have any questions, please reach out to HR for assistance.

Transparency in Coverage

Transparency in Coverage (TIC) regulations require health insurers and group health plans to create machine-readable files (MRFs) that contain the negotiated rates for in-network providers and allowed amounts derived from historical claims for out-of-network providers and make those files publicly available.

When using the search option, the page will display links to several files, including:

  • Applicable In-Network Negotiated Rate Files
  • Out-of-Network Allowed Amount Files
  • Out-of-Area Rates

NOTE: A machine-readable file is a digital representation of data or information in a file that can be imported or read by a computer system for further processing without human intervention. These files follow the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) defined layout and are in the CMS-approved format (JSON) and are not meant for a consumer-friendly search of rates, benefits, or cost-sharing.

Files are available by searching BRC’s EIN at:

Workplace from Meta—Terms of Use

Bridgewater Retirement Community’s Workplace from Facebook service (the “Service”) provides you with the ability to internally communicate with other Bridgewater Retirement Community (BRC) team members in a similar way in which you communicate with your friends through social media. The Service is entirely separate from your personal Facebook account.

Use of Workplace from Facebook represents your agreement to these Terms of Service.

The Service is provided by BRC to give its team members the opportunity to participate in an internal social networking site which affords opportunity for collaboration and communication. Team members with access to BRC-provided computer or mobile device may be required by their team leader to use the Service in the course of their work.

For team members without access to a BRC-provided computer or mobile device, participation on or use of the Service is voluntary and is not a requirement of your employment. However, BRC intends for the Service to be a primary communication channel within the organization, so team members who choose not to participate may not receive important information about incentives, events, news, programs, and initiatives. Even though the Service is an internal social media channel, there are certain basic rules that should be followed that are similar to typical social media channels. The goal of these rules is to ensure that the Service is used in a manner that is respectful of others’ rights and opinions and a productive and safe environment for all participants. Also, the tool should be used in a manner that protects BRC’s and residents’ private information.

The Service is made available for individual use related to your employment on behalf of BRC. The Service is intended for the internal discussion of BRC-related business matters, and is not intended for use in connection with personal matters. Remember the Service is for internal use only. Information shared on the Service should never be shared publicly.

Users assume all knowledge of applicable law and are responsible for compliance with any such laws. Users may not use the Service in any way that violates applicable state, federal, or international laws, regulations, government requirements or BRC policies and procedures. Misuse of the Service and/or violation of these Terms of Service may result in disciplinary action, including in appropriate cases, suspension or termination.

By uploading any information, images, documents or other material on the Service, you represent and warrant that you/BRC have the right or have been granted the right by the owner of the material to use and publish the material throughout the BRC organization. As with all BRC computer resources, users should have no expectation of privacy with respect to the use of the Service.

Any subject matter or related documents that are subject to a legal hold notice (i.e. subject to a legal matter or litigation) shall not be discussed or posted using the Service.

BRC encourages the users of the Service to express themselves and their point of view through the Service. Just to be clear, there is certain content that is inappropriate for the Service, including content which is deemed at BRC’s sole discretion to be:

  • Libelous, defamatory, derogatory, demeaning, malicious, abusive, offensive, or hateful towards any individual or group (including residents or competitors);
  • Obscene, profane, pornographic, or sexually explicit;
  • Depicting graphic or gratuitous violence;
  • Making threats of any kind or intimidating, harassing, bullying or showing disrespect for anyone;
  • Violating the intellectual property, privacy or publicity rights of another; or
  • Violating any company policy.

Facebook’s terms and policies also apply to your use of the Service.

BRC reserves the right to change these Terms of Service at any time with or without notice.

If you have any questions concerning these guidelines or a concern that any person is violating these guidelines, please contact your team leader or senior team leader.


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.