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May is Older Americans Month

Established in 1963, this annual acknowledgment has both celebrated seniors’ accomplishments and called attention to their needs.

For 2019, the theme for Older Americans Month is Connect, Create, Contribute. This theme not only reminds us that seniors still have much to offer, but it also urges all of us to build and strengthen our community.

This theme is especially apt at BRC. Residents and team members connect, engaging with each other and the broader community in myriad ways every day, together forging a true spirit of community.

Creativity thrives through music, the arts, and innovative approaches to work and life. And BRC is an extraordinarily generous community in which residents, team members, and friends not only contribute financial support but also many thousands of hours of volunteer service each year, both at BRC and in the community.

For more information about Older Americans Month, visit Administration for Community Living.


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.