The BRC Foundation Awards Inaugural “Impact Grants”
The BRC Foundation today announces the inaugural round of Innovation Grants. These ten grants are all about celebrating innovation and creativity as BRC aims to enhance the quality of life of its residents, team members, and the greater community.
The grants are funded by the tremendous success of last year’s Live Well Campaign, which raised nearly $5 million to support BRC through the Energized Life Fund, the Community Outreach Fund, and the Work Well Fund.
Now, let’s get to the exciting part—the awards! Check out the list of winners below.
Senior Prom
On the heels of overwhelmingly positive responses to the Senior Prom in May of 2023—made possible by a grant through the Energized Life Fund—the prom planning committee is looking forward to Senior Prom 2024. This year’s prom will feature a new theme and continue to bring energy and engagement to residents on all levels of living through dancing, food, music, and fun.
BRC Storyteller Pilot Program
Telling stories is not just entertainment. It is a fundamental part of being human—it validates the individual, creates connections, and builds community. This program will test the idea that sharing the stories of residents, team members, and the community itself will engender pride, enhance our sense of community, and bring joy.
Community Outreach Programs
We are proud to be an active and contributing member of the greater community. This award supports current programs such as the bi-monthly VPAS Café, a monthly Brethren Area Pastors lunch meeting, and regular volunteer programs and projects coordinated by BRC’s Community Connections Team. These efforts contribute to the vocational wellbeing of our residents, encourage our team members to work together to make a community impact, and create an immeasurable difference in our greater community.
Technology Support & Education Specialist
BRC introduced Wellzesta as the primary communication platform for Independent Living residents in 2018. The success of this program as well as our continued focus on innovation now justifies creating a new position to lead, support, maintain, and coordinate technology education related to Wellzesta as well as supporting resident technology platforms and devices at BRC. This position will impact end-user support within every facet of the BRC community.
Virtual Fitness with Spiro100
Although BRC offers a robust calendar of fitness classes in all levels of living, the demand for more access to group fitness classes and lifelong learning opportunities continues to grow. The addition of a virtual fitness program will add variety and opportunity for self-led and small groups. This technology includes access to CoroHealth (a therapeutic music and spiritual program), and OneDay University (an online learning platform with access to video library lectures, livestream talks, and Q&As with professors).
Virtual Golf
Golf is a low-impact, skills-based exercise that can help stimulate range of motion, increase body awareness, and positively impact mental well-being. Adding to our current line-up of fitness classes and opportunities, an indoor golf simulator provides a new opportunity to engage our residents and team members.
Farmers Market
Access to fresh, local produce and healthy food choices is a key driver for a healthy lifestyle. BRC has partnered with Cavalier Produce to launch a seasonal farmers’ market on our campus featuring fresh, local produce throughout Summer 2023. Local vendors provide local milk, cheese, flowers, honey and more. Plus, BRC Executive Chef Adrian Taylor conducts cooking demos with items available at the market.
Speakers Series
The Speaker Series is back! Over the last two years, this popular weekly lecture series has seen a steady increase in interest and attendance from residents. This year, BRC hopes to attract higher-profile speakers, better include residents from the nursing households, and record the presentations to be shared on BRC’s social media channels.
Opening Minds Through Art (OMA)
Opening Minds through Art is an award-winning, evidence-based intergenerational art-making program for people with dementia. Designed to provide creative expression and social engagement opportunities, this program allows resident artists to express themselves creatively, develop new relationships, engage in media, and maintain personhood.
Tovertafel technology provides purposeful play for individuals living with dementia and impacts all those around that person. This scientifically proven technology reduces restless and tense behavior, increases physical activity, and breaks through apathy—all while providing purposeful time together for loved ones. No day is ever the same for a person living with dementia, and the Tovertafel system can meet that person wherever he or she is on the journey.
Fueled by the remarkable success of the Live Well Campaign, these grants demonstrate BRC’s commitment to enhancing opportunities for engagement for residents, team members, and the greater community. From promoting joyful events like the Senior Prom and fostering a sense of belonging through the BRC Storyteller Pilot Program, to supporting community outreach initiatives and embracing innovative technologies like Tovertafel and Virtual Fitness, the BRC Foundation is ensuring that everyone’s journey at BRC is filled with purpose, connection, and energy for life.