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Volunteer Spotlight: Delta Gamma Sorority

This month for our Volunteer Spotlight we recognize not an individual but rather an entire group that deserves recognition and thanks: Delta Gamma Sorority from James Madison University. The total membership of this group is between 150 to 175 young women, and they put in hundreds of hours of volunteer service every year. The remarkable […]


May is Older Americans Month

Established in 1963, this annual acknowledgment has both celebrated seniors’ accomplishments and called attention to their needs. For 2019, the theme for Older Americans Month is Connect, Create, Contribute. This theme not only reminds us that seniors still have much to offer, but it also urges all of us to build and strengthen our community. […]


A Daughter’s Gift Continues Her Father’s Legacy

The Spiritual Life Program at Bridgewater Retirement Community will be able to extend its reach thanks to a $25,000 gift from Carolyn Lantz Hatcher and her husband Wallace. The gift will allow the BRC spiritual care team to establish a nationally accredited clinical pastoral education center at BRC to provide multi-disciplinary spiritual care training. Mrs. […]


Dining to the Nines

New construction opens the way for new dining venues “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf Bridgewater Retirement Community is committed to offering fresh, healthy, and delicious dining options to all our residents. We also strive for continuous improvement. Work is under way on The […]


Great Community Give update

Thank you! We are on our way to the revitalization of our meditation garden! During the Great Community Give (GCG) last month, we raised $5,450 including online and in-person gifts. This was BRC’s first foray into one-day fundraising efforts, and organizers are pleased. “It generated a lot of buzz,” comments Missy Stover, development officer with […]


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.