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Announcing our First “Tilt the Cup” Award Winners

All week long, we’ve celebrated the contributions team members make to our community with our annual BRC Week celebration. Now, let’s take a moment to recognize a few specific team members who have gone far above and beyond the call of duty this year. Jason Anderson “Jason is always so helpful and willing to be […]


BRC Vice President Terminated

Effective 6/22/20, Sarah Hagan is no longer employed at Bridgewater Retirement Community (BRC) as Vice President for Independent Living and Assisted Living. BRC’s president, Rodney Alderfer, issued the following statement: Sarah Hagan’s employment was terminated after we uncovered evidence of significant financial misconduct regarding corporate resources. BRC reported this to the authorities and is cooperating […]


How to Evaluate the COVID-19 Response at Life Plan Communities

Some things to consider beyond confirmed case counts The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way people view senior communities. As some of the most vulnerable to serious illness due to COVID-19, older Americans have been especially hard-hit as the pandemic swept through the nation in the spring. With significant clusters occurring in nursing and rehab […]


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.