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Get Your Motor Running

By: Nicole Yeago, Director, Genesis Rehab at Bridgewater Retirement Community Winter is a time of year that, for the most of us, will slow our motors down. Time changes, darkening our days much sooner than we are ready for, and shortening our very busy day. The weather changes, and for a lot of us, we […]


Volunteer Spotlight: “Adopt-a-Household” at Bridgewater Retirement Community

  At Bridgewater Retirement Community, our goal is to keep residents engaged in the local community. We welcome participation from local churches, schools, civic organizations, and businesses to visit our residents! One-time group opportunities are available. Interested in being more involved? The Adopt-a-Household project might be the best opportunity for your organization. This program offers […]


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.