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Things To Be Thankful For

Gratitude is something we should practice every day. Feeling grateful for what we have (rather than grousing about what we don’t have) has been shown to increase physical and mental well-being and even improve sleep. However, we’re especially thankful this month, as Thanksgiving reminds all Americans to stop a moment and take stock of our […]


How The Village Barn Raised Over $30,000

Various groups at BRC, including Bridgewater Home Auxiliary, Environmental Services, and Village Residents Association, have for many years held yard sales once or twice a year. When the Bridgewater Rescue Squad moved to a new location a few years ago, it presented a golden opportunity. BRC purchased the old location, adjacent to our Village, and […]


Volunteer Spotlight: Brett Jones

  Brett Jones is a senior at Bridgewater College, a baseball player, a business administration major … and a big reason why so many residents at Bridgewater Retirement Community have had the opportunity to build friendships with college students. With the college’s campus adjacent to BRC, and both organizations affiliated with the Church of the […]


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.