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Demystifying the moving process

Transitions are hard. We’re here to make it easier. Moving is stressful. That’s a fact. According to one survey, 60% of people think of moving as the most stressful life event (divorce was second). Another survey found 13% of people would rather spend a week in jail than move. And yet, changing your address often […]


Volunteer Spotlight: Doris MacDaniel

Paying It Forward – One Baked Good At A Time Doris MacDaniel’s eyes well up with tears as she recalls a 1963 Sunday school bombing that took the lives of four black schoolgirls at the peak of the civil rights movement. It’s a snapshot of a period in history she finds too similar to our […]


January 2020 Resolutions

A resolution for a new year—and a new life As we begin a new year (and a new decade!), plenty of us think up resolutions to improve our quality of life. Losing weight, eating healthier, and maintaining better relationships usually top the list. One major life event that many people put off is preparing for […]


Now Scheduling: Info Sessions on Community Needs Assessment Project

In 2019, Bridgewater Retirement Community (BRC) teamed up with Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) and Holleran, an independent research and consulting firm, to conduct an in-depth Senior Community Needs Assessment for the Harrisonburg, Rockingham and Augusta County areas. The project is the first ever to take a comprehensive look at the experiences and challenges […]


A New Chapter for Lev

Teller of tales, editor of The Bridge, the woman behind the camera. For 30 years, Lev Norford has supported, written about, and enthusiastically engaged as a member of the BRC community. She’s held many roles here, always with cheerful demeanor and kindness in her heart. On January 1, she will retire from her current position […]


Volunteer Spotlight: Betty Caricofe

As of this month, Betty Caricofe has lived in Bridgewater Village for six years. She and her husband, J.H., are great examples of people who have come “full circle” in life. Betty has spent the last two years volunteering as president of the BRC Village Residents Association. Some people like being in the background; not […]


Volunteer Spotlight: Maria Costillo

Madison Community Scholar As part of her scholastic experience at James Madison University, Maria Castillo was granted an “amazing opportunity!” when she was awarded a position as a Madison Community Scholar. Experience, scholarship, a bi-weekly leadership session, and opportunities to develop her resume as she moves toward graduation are just part of what she has […]


BRC Nursing Households Receive National “Best Nursing Homes” Rating

The Nursing Households at BRC received the top rating of “High Performing” when U.S. News & World Report released its ranking of Best Nursing Homes for 2019-20 in late October. Out of 13,685 nursing homes across the country rated for long-term care, only 8 percent including BRC achieved this recognition. Click here to read the […]


Custer Dining Room Re-opens

As November 12—the date set for the re-opening of BRC’s Custer Dining Room in its Houff Community Center—approached, anticipation built throughout the community. That Tuesday evening was cold and blustery, with a sharp wind bringing temperatures that would plummet into the teens later that night.   Still, many guests from throughout the BRC Village braved […]


Sometimes wellness involves screen time

Bridgewater’s Director of Well-Being & Engagement explains her holistic understanding of wellness BRC’s Independent Living team had a vision for BRC’s seniors, and it involved iPads. Laura Spicer was one of the first people called upon by Sarah Hagan, Vice President for Independent and Assisted Living, to help turn that vision into a reality. A […]


To remain eligible for the Home No Matter What Promise, residents must fulfill their obligations in turn as citizens of the BRC community and not give away the resources needed to meet financial obligations to BRC.